As women’s day special, today we got chance to interview with Shreysi Chandra. Who really set the perfect example for this day. She is one of our Mompreneur & she shared the multiple experience of her life journey, which could help every mother’s in this planet. She is adding ‘Spunkiness’ in Motherhood.
We hope this can inspire you to become a successful person too! It is worth listening to successful entrepreneur or to people who share their success stories? We can significantly learn many things from the experiences of them, by listening to their story.

Excerpts from our exclusive interview with her:
What do you do?
I’m a Marketing cum communications Professional, but currently I am on a maternity break. I’m a full time Mommy of two sons, a 4 year old and a 10 month old. I am also really passionate about sharing my experiences to the world because I realized that motherhood doesn’t come with a manual. Hence, I also dabble into Blogging sharing articles mainly related to Parenting and Motherhood. I go under the name of The Spunky Mom on Instagram. I write whatever I feel like and share things that I feel would help other mommies out there.
What gets you out of bed in the morning i.e what’s your source of motivation?
Honestly, there are days when I don’t feel like doing anything, and to just run away from the daily hassle. But what gets me going is my wonderful family. When I look at my two lil babies and how dependent they are on me , I automatically get all the strength in the world and I strive hard to atleast do my part of being a good role model for them . They are truly the reason I wake up every morning feeling absolutely blessed. My husband on the other hand, is my pillar of strength. He supports me and understands me every time I become an emotional wreck. He constantly reminds me what a superwoman I am!
Why should people choose your product/services?
I started writing my blog in 2017, as I realized that relationships in life, especially motherhood can not be taught . We have to experience it to truly understand it . Also it’s good to learn from others experience. Hence I started to pen down my experiences of motherhood mostly as an outlet of my expression but also to help other clueless new mommies to decode relationships, pregnancy and motherhood. I believe in uplifting women and and also believe that we women can stick together we can do wonders !
For my kids, I Believe in nurturing development through Montessori activities, and hence I have a special hashtag called #TheSpunkyMomActivity under which you can find various fun activities for babies as well as toddlers that will not only help in the overall development of little ones, but are also very engaging and enjoyable for them. New moms who are struggling to keep their babies entertained and occupied at home would really find these activities interesting as they are easy to set up and quite entertaining for the lil ones.
Have you considered any alliance/partnership?
I have collaborated with a few brands in the past, like, and I am open to future collaborations too.
What comes first for you money or emotions?
They say “Money can’t buy Love” and love is just another emotion. But it is also true other way round. It is not possible to survive in this world with only emotions and no money. I feel money and emotions are two completely different things and mixing them together is rarely a good idea. Both have their own place in one’s life. However, for me personally, ;emotions have an edge over money. But it would be dishonest to say that money is not everything. If what u do with passion and emotion and get a monetary advantage to your passion then I guess it’s the cherry on the top !
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
My strength is that I m a go getter and once I put my heart and soul into something I try to achieve it.
My areas of improvement would be that I can get lazy and procrastinate sometimes. My weakness are my kids for sure. I am torn between spending time with them and making a career for myself always. It’s a constant battle and Trust me mom guilt is real and I am not proud but I do suffer from that a lot!
Tell me about an accomplishment you are most proud of?
I have worked for most of the award winning campaigns of top brands in India and for one such FMCG brand I had received a Cannes award and that was the defining moment of my life !
What advice would you give to someone starting out?
Blogging is really fun, a true stress buster and you get to learn a lot by the research you will be doing, which will help you in your real life too. Decide your niche based on interest, do research about the related hashtags and keywords and topics; find your community on social media & share; and learn & grow.
Shreysi Chandra
Don’t Imitate. Don’t Copy. Have your unique style of work. Be patient. Blogging takes time to get recognized, when done organically. You don’t necessarily have to have huge follower base, that’s just a number. What you share should be from the heart.
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